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Test Coverage for Every Test

Home/Test Coverage for Every Test
We got you covered

Test Coverage
for Every Test

Test Coverage Analysis for Unit, Component, API, Integration, Functional and Manual Tests
  • Test Coverage for both microservices and monolithic architecture
  • Integrates with every CI framework

  • Includes Test Gap Analysis – Automatic identification of untested code changes
  • Includes Test Impact Analysis – Auto-select and execute only the critical tests related to code changes
  • Collects historical data to provide advanced analysis
  • Dynamic Code Analysis for real-time & accurate coverage results
  • Includes identification of untested code changes in PR
  • Easy & seamless implementation
  • Designed for small teams and enterprises
  • Multi-language support: Java, .NET, C#, Node JS, Go, Java Script & Python
Smarter testing means delivering high-quality software faster Video Icon

The test coverage platform of choice for
leading QA and Engineering teams

SeaLights Testing Intelligence

Manual, Functional, API & Integration Tests Coverage

Ensures critical code areas are tested at every level.

Test Gap Analysis

Identifies code changes that are not adequately tested, enabling teams to prioritize their testing investment and develop only the necessary tests.

Dynamic Code Analysis & Pull Request Integration

Provides developers with immediate and actionable feedback on their code and PR, allowing them to shift left and fix issues quickly.

Test Impact Analysis

Automatically selects and executes only the necessary tests related to code changes to cut testing cycle time and cost

Comprehensive Support for Popular Languages, Testing Frameworks, and CI Tools.

We got everyone covered

For Developers