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Top 96 Technology Blogs on Culture, Architecture and Theory

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Top 96 Technology Blogs on Culture, Architecture and Theory

Moran Gilad Halevi | January 30, 2018

There is no shortage of lists and roundups naming the best technology and engineering blogs to follow. A lot of blogs out there are uber technical, which is great when you’re looking to solve specific issues, but given the engineering challenges that we are tackling today, there is a growing need for thought leadership on culture, architecture and software theory.

The purpose of this blog is to roundup pearls of wisdom that will make you stop and think, and hopefully grow.

About the List:

  • High-level technology blogs: our list of tech blogs are more focused on theory, architecture, paradigm shifts, etc. They’re not pure engineering blogs for the most part (you can find a great list of engineering blogs here). Basically, we went the opposite route of the programming subreddit -> if it has more than 80% code it doesn’t belong here.
  • Point of view: no how to’s. Not that there’s anything wrong with them, they simply didn’t fit our purpose here.
  • Publications and news aggregators: as a rule of thumb, we tried to avoid them. The ones we did include are here for a reason, they have a unique voice. Not just another tech news site.
  • Tech company blogs: both big companies and small startups made the list. They’re either leading the field on a certain topic, have significant insights on engineering culture or are sharing extremely interesting insights from their work.
  • Activity: we aimed to include blogs that are active.
  • Obviousness: we tried to stay away from the obvious culprits and bring new thoughts to the table, but some blogs/ thought leaders are just so important that they will always have to be included.
  • Order: the blogs are ordered alphabetically.
    1. A geek with a hat

      By @Swizec,
      #Programming #Personal

    2. Algorithmia

      By @algorithmia,
      #Company #Machine Learning

    3. Algorithms Weekly by Peter Mitrichev

      By Peter Mitrichev
      #Algorithms #Personal

    4. Armin Ronacher’s Thoughts and Writings

      By Armin Ronacher,
      #Open Source #Software Methodology #Personal

    5. Aviran’s Place

      Aviran’s place is a technology blog where you can find technology news and articles from around the net, and also original news and articles on various technology and software development subjects.

      By Aviran Mordo,
      #Personal #Best Practices#Culture

    6. Baidu Research

      #Company #Deep Learning

    7. BBC Design & Engineering

      #Company #Technology #Serverless

    8. Better Explained

      Math without endless memorization. Instead of memorizing procedures, learn why equations work. This site helps you overcome mental roadblocks and truly grasp new concepts.

      By Kalid Azad,
      #Mathematics #Not a company#Not personal

    9. Bill the Lizard

      This is the palate clearer you’re looking for – perfect for clearing your mind and switching tracks.

      By Bill Cruise,
      #Puzzles #Programming#Personal

    10. bit-player

      An amatures outlook on computation and mathematics

      By Brian Hayes,
      #Programming #Personal #Mathamatics

    11. Brandon Rhodes

      By Brandon Rhodes,
      #Personal #Python#Software Architecture

    12. Chris McMahon’s Blog

      QA is not evil

      By Chris McMahon
      #QA #Personal

    13. Cindy Sridharan

      Read her blog post on “Testing Microservices: The Sane Way”. There are some particularly interesting insights there on shift-left vs shift-right testing
      By Cindy Sridharan,
      #Programming #Personal #Software Methodology

    14. Clarke Ching

      By Clarke Ching
      #Agile #Personal

    15. Code Simplicity

      There’s just too much complex stuff in the world. Complex stuff can’t be used, and it breaks too easily. Complexity is stupid. Simplicity is smart. Code Simplicity focuses on the idea of simplicity: simple things, simple thoughts, and simple ideas that can make the world of computing a better place.

      By Max Kanat-Alexander,
      #Code #Personal

    16. Coder on Code

      Random ramblings about code, programming, and technology

      By Allan MacGregor,
      #Technology #Programming #Personal

    17. Coding Horror

      By Jeff Atwood,
      #Culture #Programming #Personal

    18. Conde Nast

      By @CondeNastTech,
      #Company #Best Practices

    19. Dan Luu

      Check out the about me page and the internet archives – just cool to see
      By Dan Luu,
      #Culture #Programming #Personal

    20. Daniel Doubrovkine

      By Daniel Doubrovkine,
      #Culture #Technology #Personal

    21. Deezer I/O

      By @DeezerDevs,
      #Company #Programing #Best Practices

    22. DevelopSense

      By @michaelbolton,
      #Company #Culture #QA

    23. Division by Zero

      By Dave Richeson,
      #Personal #Academia #Mathematics

    24. Elliot Forbes

      By Elliot Forbes,
      #Personal #Serverless #Microservices

    25. Embedded in Academia

      By John Regehr
      #Personal #Computer Science #Academia

    26. Eric D. Brown

      By Eric D. Brown,
      #Personal #Big Data

    27. Expedia

      #Company #Cloud #Best Practices

    28. Fagner Brack

      I write about challenging stuff you won’t find anywhere else. ~5-minutes idea (with audio version) every 2 weeks on Thursday 20:00 AEST.

      By Fagner Brack,
      #Personal #Programing #Culture

    29. Flowing Data

      FlowingData explores how statisticians, designers, data scientists, and others use analysis, visualization, and exploration to understand data and ourselves.

      By Nathan Yau,
      #Data Visualization #Company

    30. Forrest Brazeal

      By Forrest Brazeal,
      #Personal #Serverless #AWS

    31. Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP

      a personal view of the theory of computation

      By Dick Lipton & Ken Ragen
      #Personal #Computer Science

    32. Gojko Adzic

      By Gojko Adzic,
      #Personal #Programming #Agile

    33. Good Math, Bad Math

      Good Math, Bad Math is a blog which exists for two reasons: For me to ramble about the beauty of mathematics, and try to share my enthusiasm for the subject. To track down the bozos who use bad math to lie, distort reality, and in general support bad arguments; demonstrate their errors and their dishonesty; and generally mock them. To track down the bozos who use bad math to lie, distort reality, and in general support bad arguments; demonstrate their errors and their dishonesty; and generally mock them. The blog will also intermittently include me rambling about other obsessions: programming, music, and whatever else interests me.

      By Mark,
      #Personal #Mathematics

    34. Herding Cats

      Principles, Processes, and Practices to Increase Probability of Project Success

      By Glen B. Alleman,
      #Project Management #Agile #Personal

    35. High Scalability

      This site tries to bring together all the lore, art, science, practice, and experience of building scalable websites into one place so you can learn how to build your website with confidence.

      #Publication #Scalability

    36. Ian Sommerville

      By Ian Sommerville,
      #Software Theory #Personal

    37. Import AI

      Import AI is a weekly newsletter about artificial intelligence

      By Jack Clark,
      #AI #Newsletter #Aggregate

    38. Infrequently Noted

      Alex Russell on browsers, standards, and the process of progress.

      By Alex Russell,
      #Personal #Browsers

    39. It Will Never Work in Theory

      The aim of this blog is to be a bridge between researchers and practitioners. Each post highlights some useful results from studies past and present in the hope that this will encourage discussion of what we know, what we think we know that ain’t actually so, why we believe some things but not others, and what questions should be tackled next.

      #Research #Academic #Aggregate

    40. James Bach

      By James Bach,
      #Personal #Testing #Culture

    41. James Long

      By James Long,
      #Personal #Technology #Culture

    42. Jeremy Kun

      He also has a more technical blog – Math ∩ Programming
      By Jeremy Kun,
      #Personal #Programming

    43. Jessica Kerr

      By Jessica Kerr,
      #Personal #Culture #Software Methodology

    44. Joel on Software

      Over the last 16 years I’ve written 1114 articles on this site about software development, management, business, and the Internet.

      By Joel Spolsky,
      #Personal #Software Development #Management

    45. John Cutler

      By John Cutler,
      #Personal #Programing #Software Methodology

    46. Kaggle

      #Community #Machine Learning #Data Science

    47. KDnuggets

      #Publication #Big Data #Machine Learning

    48. Life of Wonders

      By Nikolay Nemshilov,
      #Personal #Software Architecture

    49. Made of Bugs

      By Nelson Elhage
      #Personal #Testing

    50. Marc Brooker

      By Marc Brooker,
      #Personal #Programing

    51. Martin Fowler

      This is basically the bible. Mainly his own blog post but on occasion will allow contributors
      By Martin Fowler,
      #Personal #Software Methodology #Software Theory

    52. Math ∩ Programming

      “Main Content” posts contain software, while “Primers” are usually math-only. All source code used in making posts is available at my Github page.

      By Jeremy Kun,
      #Personal #Mathematics #Programming

    53. Matt Aimonetti

      By Matt Aimonetti,
      #Personal #Culture #Programming

    54. Matthew Daniels

      This blog hasn’t been active since late 2015, BUT “The Journalist-Engineer” is still echoing in my thoughts so I can’t not include it.
      By Matthew Daniels,
      #Personal #Culture #Programming

    55. Maverick Tester

      #Personal #Testing

    56. Medium

      #Company #Culture #Software Methodology

    57. Mike Cohen’s Blog

      Practical and actionable advice, tips and guidance for creating high-performing teams.

      By Mike Cohen,
      #Company #Agile #Scrum

    58. New York Times

      #Company #Culture #Best Practices

    59. Open AI

      OpenAI is a non-profit AI research company, discovering and enacting the path to safe artificial general intelligence.

      #Research #AI #Non Profit

    60. Pamela Fox

      By Pamela Fox,
      #Culture #Personal


      The blog posts on ELT vs ETL are particularly interesting

      #Company #Big Data

    62. Paul Graham

      By Paul Graham,
      #Personal #Technology #Culture

    63. Programmable Web

      #Publication #API

    64. QA Hates You

      Read the Sez Who
      #QA #Personal

    65. SeaLights

      #Company #Testing #CI/ CD

    66. Send More Paramedics

      This is where I will aggregate my views on various topics including, but not limited (although at times excluding entirely) to: – Java, Python, Ruby, Lisp, Scala, Vodka, etc…., programming and code monkey-ism – Operating system development – Programming language design and development – Mystery Science Theater 3000 – Mathematics and logic – Crypto-zoology – Computing industry observations – Transcendental Unity of Apperception

      By Fogus,
      #Programming #Personal

    67. Sky Scanner

      There’s no rhyme and reason here that I can see. They’ve written about, everything from Big Data, to Culture, to Product Management. But, each post is an interesting read.

      #Company #Everything

    68. Software Engineering Daily

      Software Engineering Daily features daily interviews about technical software topics. Technical knowledge about software will help you work more intelligently.

      #Publication #Technology #Podcast

    69. Stack Overflow

      The analysis of the data that they collect as a company is very interesting.

      #Company #Data Analysis

    70. Steve Yegge

      By Steve Yegge
      #Personal #Culture #Technology

    71. Stitch Fix

      This is one of the best blogs I’ve encountered discussing real world application of ML and Big Data software.
      #Company #AI #Big Data

    72. Storytelling with Data

      Through this blog, I aim to teach storytelling with data through examples and practical tips. My goal is to bring data to life and use it to communicate a story to an audience, with a focus on simplicity and ease of interpretation.

      By Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic,
      #Company #Data Visualization

    73. Testing Fun Time

      By Rosie Hamilton,
      #Personal #Testing #Culture

    74. The Automated Tester

      By David Burns,
      #Personal #Testing

    75. The Beautiful, Tormented Machine

      Art, technology and leaving the world better off than we found it.

      By Manu Sporny
      #Web Payments #Personal

    76. The Clean Code Blog

      By Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)
      #Software Methodology #Personal

    77. The Enterprisers Project

      #Publication #CIO #Enterprise Technology

    78. The Morning Paper

      The Morning Paper: a short summary every weekday of an important, influential, topical or otherwise interesting paper in the field of computer science.

      By Adrian Colyer,
      #Computer Science #Aggregate #Newsletter

    79. The New Stack

      All about app development & management at scale.

      #Publication #Technology

    80. Thinking Tester

      A Tester driven by curiosity and relentless question “what if”

      By Shrini Kulkarni,
      #Personal #Testing

    81. thoughts from the test eye

      By Rikard Edgren, Henrik Emilsson and Martin Jansson – with Torbjörn Ryber,
      #Personal #Testing #Aggregate

    82. Thoughtworks

      #Publication #Software Insights

    83. Toolshed Technologies

      By Andy Hunt,
      #Personal #Agile #Culture

    84. Tooth of the Weasale

      Notes and rants about software and software quality

      By Alan Page
      #Software Quality #Personal

    85. Una Kravets

      By Una Kravets,
      #Personal #Design #Product

    86. upday Dev

      #Company #Culture #Best Practices

    87. Utest

      #Company #Testing #Community

    88. Variance Explained

      By David Robinson,
      #Personal #Data Science

    89. Visualising Data

      By Andy Kirk,
      #Company #Data Visualization

    90. Wix

      #Company #Culture #Programing

    91. Word Aligned

      A collection of articles on software development and computer programming.

      By Thomas Guest,
      #Software development #Programming #Aggregate

    92. XING

      #Company #Culture #Programming

    93. xkcd

      Note: You are welcome to reprint occasional comics pretty much anywhere (presentations, papers, blogs with ads, etc). If you’re not outright merchandising, you’re probably fine. Just be sure to attribute the comic to


      By Randall Munroe
      #Personal #Comics #not-for-profit publication

    94. yegor256

      By Yegor Bugayenko,
      #Personal #Programming #Management

    95. Zach Holman

      His twitter profile picture is the description of goals!
      By Zach Holman,
      #Personal #Culture #Entrepreneurship

    96. Zapier

      A blog about hacking, development workflow automation, and how to get things done with less work.

      By Zach Holman,
      #Company #API #Best Practices

These are the 96 blogs that we know and love. But, the internet is a big place. So, if you are reading/listening/watching something that should be included on the list let us know here. or leave a comment.

If you want to help us create stellar and relevant content on testing, tell us more about that too.