Cut Infrastructure Cost
You must spin up more cloud machines as you add more tests to your pipelines. By selecting and running only the most relevant tests per each build or release you can reduce cloud and infrastructure costs by up to 70%.
Cut Troubleshooting Cost
Inefficient troubleshooting of irrelevant failed tests wastes the development team’s time. By running fewer tests, there are fewer failed tests, and the developers can focus on troubleshooting only relevant failed tests.
Cut Infrastructure Cost
You must spin up more cloud machines as you add more tests to your pipelines. By selecting and running only the most relevant tests per each build or release you can reduce cloud and infrastructure costs by up to 70%.
Cut Troubleshooting Cost
Inefficient troubleshooting of irrelevant failed tests wastes the development team’s time. By running fewer tests, there are fewer failed tests, and the developers can focus on troubleshooting only relevant failed tests.
Cut Your Testing Costs with
Test Impact Analytics.