SeaLights is now part of Tricentis, a global leader in continuous testing and quality engineering. Read the blog >>

Test Impact

Smarter testing means delivering high-quality software faster. Period.

Software testing bottlenecks are a thing of the past.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis (TIA) is a Smart Test Execution Engine that cuts the testing cycle time by 50% to 90%.

Why run a full set of unit, functional and regression tests every time your developers commit new code to the repository—when SeaLights Test Impact Analysis can identify and execute the minimum subset of tests required without compromising quality.

Test Impact Analysis.

Smarter testing means delivering
high-quality software faster. Period.

Software testing bottlenecks are a thing of the past.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis (TIA) is a Smart Test Execution Engine that cuts the testing cycle time by 50% to 90%.

Why run a full set of unit, functional and regression tests every time your developers commit new code to the repository—when SeaLights Test Impact Analysis can identify and execute the minimum subset of tests required without compromising quality.

Support for all types of tests.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis can expedite execution of almost any test type. Beside unit tests, you can apply Test Impact Analysis to CI automated functional, component, regression, and end-to-end tests.

It also handles UI testing, including those using playback functionality (e.g., Selenium). Test Impact Analysis can also handle manual tests.

Support for all your apps and languages.

Besides integrating with your CI, SeaLights Test Impact Analysis supports various application architectures and programming languages. From monolithic applications to distributed systems, from HTTP methods to microservices, Test Impact Analysis can accommodate most any architecture.

And you needn’t adapt your development practices for SeaLights Test Impact Analysis, as it currently supports Java, Node js, JavaScript and .NET/C#.

Time savings analysis.

Reduced testing time and faster delivery time both sound great, but software development managers need improvements, savings, and efficiencies they can measure.

The SeaLights Test Impact Analysis dashboard shows managers how much time their teams actually save by day, week, month and year, just by executing only those tests that really need to be run. Managers can also see how many low priority tests were excluded from each build, as well as the average test reduction over time.

Support for all types of tests.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis can expedite execution of almost any test type. Beside unit tests, you can apply Test Impact Analysis to CI automated functional, component, regression, and end-to-end tests.

It also handles UI testing, including those using playback functionality (e.g., Selenium). Test Impact Analysis can also handle manual tests.

Support for all your apps and languages.

Besides integrating with your CI, SeaLights Test Impact Analysis supports various application architectures and programming languages. From monolithic applications to distributed systems, from HTTP methods to microservices, Test Impact Analysis  can accommodate most any architecture.

And you needn’t adapt your development practices for SeaLights Test Impact Analysis, as it currently supports Java, Node js, JavaScript and .NET/C#.

Time savings analysis.

Reduced testing time and faster delivery time both sound great, but software development managers need improvements, savings, and efficiencies they can measure.

The SeaLights Test Impact Analysis dashboard shows managers how much time their teams actually save by day, week, month and year, just by executing only those tests that really need to be run. Managers can also see how many low priority tests were excluded from each build, as well as the average test reduction over time.

Intelligent Test Selection & Execution Using AI.

Analyzes changes made by developers to execute only the relevant tests.

More benefits of SeaLight Test Impact Analysis for Development Teams.

Seamless integration with your CI.

With a growing team of developers, diverse technologies, and tight delivery timelines, you need continuous testing that’s as agile as your development methodologies. What you don’t need is yet another tool that doesn’t quite work with your existing tools and frameworks.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis (TIA) integrates seamlessly with your CI, no matter how frequently your developers commit their source code to the repository, no matter how many parallel branches you have going.




Circle CI
















Apache Ant








Blaze Meter














Load Runner














Team City





More benefits of SeaLight Test Impact Analysis for Development Teams.

Seamless integration with your CI.




Circle CI
















Apache Ant








Blaze Meter














Load Runner














Team City





With a growing team of developers, diverse technologies, and tight delivery timelines, you need continuous testing that’s as agile as your development methodologies. What you don’t need is yet another tool that doesn’t quite work with your existing tools and frameworks.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis (TIA) integrates seamlessly with your CI, no matter how frequently your developers commit their source code to the repository, no matter how many parallel branches you have going.

Parallel tests analysis.

If you utilize parallel testing scenarios, there’s no need to change your practices and configuration in order to benefit from smarter testing. Performing test impact analysis for tests that run in parallel isn’t a simple matter, but SeaLights Test Impact Analysis uses ML to understand the unique contribution of every test, even when they run in parallel. SeaLights Test Impact Analysis allows you to simultaneously run recommended tests on multiple applications or even subcomponents of a single application.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis parallel test analysis and execution reduces test execution time even more, making your pipeline testing extremely efficient.

Full-featured and quick to get up and running.

Adding yet another tool to a dev manager’s testing arsenal often means a tradeoff between speed to implement and functionality. Indeed, its quick integration with existing repositories, tools, and processes means SeaLights Test Impact Analysis (TIA) is quick to set up. (In fact, you can be up and running with SeaLights in less than one hour.) But with Test Impact Analysis, “quick and easy” doesn’t mean skimping on features and capabilities:

  • Integrates with existing repositories and testing tools

  • Supports any test type—automated or manual

  • Performs intelligent test selection and execution based relevance criteria

  • Correlates appropriate tests to source code changes, down to the method level

  • Implements machine-learning algorithms for continuous improvement

  • Follows a unique process for analysis and test execution

Machine Learning algorithms for continuous improvement.

Finding a platform that performs intelligent analysis of your software testing isn’t easy in the first place (until now, at least). But once you set up your rules, you shouldn’t have to constantly be tweaking your configuration over and over again.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis (TIA) implements machine-learning algorithms to continuously analyze and map the tests and methods based on changed content, new data, and the results of prior and historical test runs, to provide more and more accurate recommendations over time.

Parallel tests analysis.

If you utilize parallel testing scenarios, there’s no need to change your practices and configuration in order to benefit from smarter testing. Performing test impact analysis for tests that run in parallel isn’t a simple matter, but SeaLights Test Impact Analysis uses ML to understand the unique contribution of every test, even when they run in parallel. SeaLights Test Impact Analysis allows you to simultaneously run recommended tests on multiple applications or even subcomponents of a single application.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis  parallel test analysis and execution reduces test execution time even more, making your pipeline testing extremely efficient.

Full-featured and quick to get up and running.

Adding yet another tool to a dev manager’s testing arsenal often means a tradeoff between speed to implement and functionality. Indeed, its quick integration with existing repositories, tools, and processes means SeaLights Test Impact Analysis (TIA) is quick to set up. (In fact, you can be up and running with SeaLights in less than one hour.) But with Test Impact Analysis, “quick and easy” doesn’t mean skimping on features and capabilities:

  • Integrates with existing repositories and testing tools

  • Supports any test type—automated or manual

  • Performs intelligent test selection and execution based relevance criteria

  • Correlates appropriate tests to source code changes, down to the method level

  • Implements machine-learning algorithms for continuous improvement

  • Follows a unique process for analysis and test execution

Machine Learning algorithms for continuous improvement.

Finding a platform that performs intelligent analysis of your software testing isn’t easy in the first place (until now, at least). But once you set up your rules, you shouldn’t have to constantly be tweaking your configuration over and over again.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis (TIA) implements machine-learning algorithms to continuously analyze and map the tests and methods based on changed content, new data, and the results of prior and historical test runs, to provide more and more accurate recommendations over time.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis is also quick to get up and running. Its quick integration with existing repositories, tools, and processes means you can be up and running with SeaLights in less than one hour. No need to alter your existing work processes or spend time and resources on costly automation—just plug in Test Impact Analysis and you’re ready to get started.

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis is also quick to get up and running. Its quick integration with existing repositories, tools, and processes means you can be up and running with SeaLights in less than one hour. No need to alter your existing work processes or spend time and resources on costly automation—just plug in Test Impact Analysis and you’re ready to get started.

Key Features.

Key Features.

Impacted test

SeaLights Test Impact Analysis takes a two-step approach to smarter testing. The first step is to identify the impacted tests.

Test Impact Analysis analytics engine correlates every test in every test suite right down to the actual method code each one is testing.

Test Impact Analysis then automatically analyzes each build for new and changed code. It then correlates the test and build analyses to identify only those tests needed to verify the code changes for that particular build.

Enhanced and smart
test recommendation

Step two enhances the Test Impact Analysis with critical data, providing an even more complete test recommendation based on:

Impacted Tests
Tests related to recent code changes

Failed Tests
Tests that didn’t pass in the last run

Pinned/Flagged Test
Tests marked as important to run in every test cycle

New Tests
Tests that have never been run before

Smart test

After the two-step identification and recommendation process is complete, Test Impact Analysis can execute the recommended tests in one of three ways:

Direct integration with the CI
Test Impact Analysis automatically executes the recommended tests for every build with no extra or custom configuration required by a DevOps team.

Test Impact Analysis API
Any test automation framework, whether custom or commercial, can consume and execute the test recommendation list.

UI report or downloadable file
The SeaLights Dashboard can consume the Test Impact Analysis test recommendation list directly, or the list can be downloaded as a file suitable for manual test execution.

Software testing bottlenecks are a thing of the past.

The goal of any software development manager and the testing tools they select is to ensure the integrity of the code base and deliver a quality product. The goal of a software quality intelligence platform like SeaLights and its Test Impact Analysis (TIA) tool is to speed time to market by improving efficiencies in the testing process. But how do you measure those “improvements”?

Test Impact Analysis provides a dashboard that shows you how much time you saved by smartly identifying the tests that really need to be run—rather than running a full set of unit, functional and regression tests every time your developers commit new code to the repository. You can see how many low priority tests were excluded from each build and the average test reduction over time. That means you’ll actually see how smart testing reduces your overall CI time, not to mention having accurate numbers for comparison and future planning.