SeaLights is now part of Tricentis, a global leader in continuous testing and quality engineering. Read the blog >>

SeaLights for Software Engineering Managers

Boost Sprint Velocity
Move Faster by Identifying & Eliminating Test Gaps

Quality Trend Intelligence

Managers need real-time visibility for teams, code quality and activity. SeaLights provides R&D managers with data to assess and plan effective sprints by analyzing risks presented by code changes, and quality trends over time.

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Test Gap Analytics

Too many unnecessary tests are developed and maintained, wasting valuable engineering resources. SeaLights minimizes test development by identifying code areas that are executed in production, but are not tested by any of the regression tests. Managers and teams leveraging smart data can see exactly where their gaps are and plan where to develop new tests in their upcoming sprint.

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Release Quality Analytics

Software teams today are relying on insufficient data resulting in bad release decisions. SeaLights applies real-time analytics to hundreds of thousands of test executions, code changes, builds, historical data, and insights from production to determine release readiness

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Block Code Changes

Untested code in production causes failures, bad customer experiences, and time wasted on executing hotfixes. SeaLights analyzes changes to your code and notifies you whenever an untested code change has slipped through to production. Stop risky code before it’s shipped and solve critical issues before they impact your users.

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Quality Trend Intelligence

Managers need real-time visibility for teams, code quality and activity. SeaLights provides R&D managers with data to assess and plan effective sprints by analyzing risks presented by code changes, and quality trends over time.


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Test Gap Analytics

Too many unnecessary tests are developed and maintained, wasting valuable engineering resources. SeaLights minimizes test development by identifying areas where code was recently changed or executed in production, but has not been tested in any of your regression cycles. Managers and teams leveraging smart data can see exactly where gaps exist and plan where to develop new tests in the upcoming sprints.


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Release Quality Analytics

Software teams today are relying on insufficient data resulting in bad release decisions. SeaLights applies real-time analytics to hundreds of thousands of test executions, code changes, builds, historical data, and insights from production to determine release readiness.


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Block Untested Code Changes

Untested code in production causes failures, bad customer experiences, and time wasted on executing hotfixes. SeaLights analyzes changes to your code and notifies you whenever an untested code change has slipped through to production. Stop risky code before it’s shipped and solve critical issues before they impact your users.


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How SeaLights for Software Development Works


We collect your most relevant data from all teams and tools, in real time


We perform advanced analytics, calculations and statistics to your high volume data and share meaningful information


We highlight the most critical areas to develop tests, provide test execution priority, visibility to end-user code execution and risky code areas that are not tested at all

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We Support Everything


Apache Ant





Blaze Meter


Circle CI









Load RunnerLoad Runner








Team-CityTeam City





We Support Everything

Angular Apache Ant Apache  Maven
AVA Babel Bitbucket
Blaze Meter C# Circle CI
Cucumber Github GitLab
Gradle Jasmine Java
Jenkins Karma Load Runner
Mocha NUnit Protractor
Python React Sahi
Soasta Team City Telerik
TestNG TFS Webpack