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Confident Fast-Pace Delivery of Microservices

Microservice Architecture is on the rise, whereas it is still challenging for many teams how to ensure their correctness as most test and quality assurance techniques used for monoliths are no longer applicable for microservice architectures. In this webinar we dive into the world of microservices and how to test them effectively and efficiently. We explore common pitfalls regarding test automation for microservices, especially with common integration testing approaches.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to apply usual (agile) testing principles to testing of microservices
  • To understand the pros & cons of different test approaches for microservice
  • To express and discuss the requirements for a “good” test-suite for microservices
  • How to build “good” (effective+efficient) test-suite for microservices
  • How hexagonal architecture helps
  • How Contracts and Consumer Driven Contracts work
  • How Swagger can be used for contract testing

Alex Schwartz | Consultant | Berlin, Germany

Alex works as an Engineering Manager at solarisBank AG, a Berlin-based Fintech startup. He has 25+ years’ experience in the software industry. After getting infected with “the agile virus” his desire for Continuous Delivery, DevOps, and Agile Testing is endless. He is a popular speaker and a recognized expert for conferences regarding various Agile, Testing and DevOps topics

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