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How to Get Automation Included in Your Definition of Done

While most teams appreciate the benefits of automation, it is commonly viewed as too time-consuming to be considered as part of an agile sprint; resulting in automation being done in isolation and typically months after the story has been closed. This can lead to several problems including automation team members being disengaged and missing key aspects of the requirements, as well as teams going through a period where new features are being introduced but no regression testing is occurring.

This talk will provide agile-friendly approaches to automation which will allow teams to close their sprints with automation in place. These automation techniques allow scrum teams to work smarter, not harder, and find bugs quicker with a more narrowed scope of the root cause, essentially leading to quicker resolution times.

What will you leave this webinar with? 

  • Techniques to achieve in-sprint automation
  • Tips on how to successfully embed automation engineers into a scrum
  • Collaboration methods to ensure automation interests are understood and considered by other stakeholders

Transform your automation effort so that it’s no longer lagging several sprints behind the agile team, but instead is completed within the same sprint as the story that is being delivered.

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