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Improving Software Team’s Quality Processes: Tips from the Fab World

Many software teams struggle to implement and comply with quality processes. Process adoption and strict adherence is seen as stifling, blocking innovation and redundant. Contrast this with semiconductor fabrication plants (fabs) where adherence to process is the everyday norm and no fab engineer feels compliance with quality processes is optional. Studying the top reasons why the fab world follows process so diligently reveals some underlying ideas that can be used in the software development world. Applying these ideas, software companies can improve the ability to implement and adhere to quality processes.

Michael Stahl | SW Validation Architect | Intel

Michael Stahl is a 20 year veteran SW Validation Architect at Intel. In this role, he defines testing strategies and work methodologies for test teams, and sometimes even gets to test something himself – which he enjoys most. Michael presented papers in local and international conferences and is teaching SW Testing in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. You can view his papers and presentations at

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