Is There A Risk?


QA Manager, can your team tell you what risks are still applicable in your system under test? And what impact these risks can have when this software goes to production? In many cases, my teams couldn’t answer the question! Covering risks is underestimated because we don’t like the subject: it is too abstract, sometimes too philosophical or negative. While on the other hand if we have to deal with problems in production because we underestimated risks, fingers are pointed at those who were able to cover the risks. Dealing with risks determines the success of a product and therefore the success of an organization.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How organizations should work to get the maximum commitment of their employees and motivate teams to feel free to communicate about risks
  • How to deliver the important risks right away
  • How to identify and focus on the risky areas
  • Gain cross-team communication between testers, developers, analysts and stakeholders

Speaker | Ard Kramer | ImproveQS

Ard is a principal Test consultant at ImproveQS since 2018 and started as a tester in 1997. He is focused on new developments (in any kind of field) and looks how innovations can be used in testing. He calls himself a qualisopher which stands for: “who loves truth and wisdom and at the same time is decisive to improve man and his environment”. He was speaker at different conferences such as EuroStar, Expo:QA , TestBash and he is program chair of the Romanian Testing Conference and the Test Automation Day.

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