Machine Learning Use Cases for DevOps and Continuous Everything


Irrespective of the industry sector, teams are investing in DevOps and Continuous Everything pipelines, leveraging treasure troves of data to reveal nuggets of insights.

Smart pipelines don’t just complete the tasks they are explicitly programmed to do but think and decide what needs to be done by learning from the data. Data is indeed the new oil and this session teases apart the stuff that enables every company to think like a data company.

In this webinar, Juni Mukherjee, owner of Continuity, will discuss how managers can increase their competitive advantage by unleashing machine learning techniques that infuse intelligence into pipelines.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • Foundational concepts of Machine Learning and Continuous Everything
  • Application of supervised and unsupervised learning concepts to Continuous Everything
  • Recipes for pipeline architecture and design patterns that help implementation

Panelist: Juni Mukherjee | Founder of Continuity
Juni is a thought citizen in the Continuous Everything space. A regular speaker at DevOps and Continuous Everything conferences, she has led software engineering projects to responsibly improve time-to-market. She designs metrics and dashboards to objectively measure behavior and to help drive the organization’s vision and execution.