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Become a Software Quality-Centric Enterprise

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Become a Software Quality-Centric Enterprise.

Gain a competitive advantage by putting software quality first.

Become a Software Quality-Centric Enterprise.

Gain a competitive advantage by putting software quality first.

What is a Software Quality-Centric Enterprise?

A quality-centric enterprise puts software quality as its first priority. It aims to provide an outstanding experience for customers and internal users of software systems.

Quality-centric enterprises have quality programs headed by senior executives because they see software quality as a strategic, differentiating factor. A quality-centric enterprise can lead its market and dominate its competitors by ensuring a flawless customer experience, and addressing any challenges before customers actually experience a problem.

To this end, a quality-centric enterprise puts software quality at the forefront of its strategic initiatives and makes investments aimed at improving quality processes. Senior executives demand clear metrics that make software quality visible to the entire organization and use these metrics to drive the organization to positive change. A quality-centric enterprise can also measure the cost of poor software quality and the return on investment of improvements in quality metrics.

What is a Software Quality-Centric Enterprise?

A quality-centric enterprise puts software quality as its first priority. It aims to provide an outstanding experience for customers and internal users of software systems.

Quality-centric enterprises have quality programs headed by senior executives because they see software quality as a strategic, differentiating factor. A quality-centric enterprise can lead its market and dominate its competitors by ensuring a flawless customer experience, and addressing any challenges before customers actually experience a problem.

To this end, a quality-centric enterprise puts software quality at the forefront of its strategic initiatives and makes investments aimed at improving quality processes. Senior executives demand clear metrics that make software quality visible to the entire organization and use these metrics to drive the organization to positive change. A quality-centric enterprise can also measure the cost of poor software quality and the return on investment of improvements in quality metrics.

How SeaLights Software Quality Governance Can Help You to Become a Quality-Centric Enterprise.

SeaLights provides a technology platform that helps enterprises drive improvements to software quality. The platform collects vast amounts of real time data to uncover cross-organizational Quality Risks, which are used by governance policies to improve quality at scale.

How SeaLights Software Quality Governance Can Help You to Become a Quality-Centric Enterprise.

SeaLights provides a technology platform that helps enterprises drive improvements to software quality. The platform collects vast amounts of real time data to uncover cross-organizational Quality Risks, which are used by governance policies to improve quality at scale.

Software Governance Policies.

SeaLights Software Quality Governance helps enterprises define more meaningful policies and enforce them across their software portfolio:

Change management
Analyze software changes and their associated Quality Risks to dramatically reduce the risk of software deployment.

Regulatory compliance
Provide insights on every software change to provide proof to mitigation of change risk. Allow inclusion of compliance risks into software release decisions.

Acceptable risk
Defining, in a standard and measurable way, what level of risk is acceptable for each part of the software portfolio.

Defining exactly for each software change which Software Governance Policies should be applied.

Software Governance Policies.

SeaLights Software Quality Governance helps enterprises define more meaningful policies and enforce them across their software portfolio:

Change management
Analyze software changes and their associated Quality Risks to dramatically reduce the risk of software deployment.

Regulatory compliance
Provide insights on every software change to provide proof to mitigation of change risk. Allow inclusion of compliance risks into software release decisions.

Acceptable risk
Defining, in a standard and measurable way, what level of risk is acceptable for each part of the software portfolio.

Defining exactly for each software change which Software Governance Policies should be applied.

Automated Quality Gates.

SeaLights Software Quality Governance provides Automated Quality Gates that determine when a software component can be promoted further in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

Quality Gates allow management to enforce its quality policies across the organization in a standardized and transparent manner.

How an Automated Quality Gate Works:

  1. Quality Gates can be enforced at any stage of the software pipeline.
  2. Each Quality Gate defines which policies are relevant to validate the software change at the appropriate phase in the pipeline
  3. Enforces a go-no-go decision based on standardized quality metrics and computational risk scoring

Automated Quality Gates.

SeaLights Software Quality Governance provides Automated Quality Gates that determine when a software component can be promoted further in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

Quality Gates allow management to enforce its quality policies across the organization in a standardized and transparent manner.

How an Automated Quality Gate Works:

Quality Gates can be enforced at any stage of the software pipeline.

Each Quality Gate defines which policies are relevant to validate the software change at the appropriate phase in the pipeline

Enforces a go-no-go decision based on standardized quality metrics and computational risk scoring

Actionable Quality Insights.

The basis of organization-wide Software Governance Policies and Quality Gates is the availability of rich data about software quality, and the ability to quickly derive actionable insights.

SeaLights Software Quality Governance gathers millions of data points about software changes, change complexity, testing activity, and quality trends across builds and releases, including live production insights. SeaLights analyzes the data in real-time using AI/ML techniques.

This allows organizations to monitor testing and other risk mitigation activity, evaluate them using standardized quality metrics, and match them to business requirements and quality governance policies.

Actionable Quality Insights.

The basis of organization-wide Software Governance Policies and Quality Gates is the availability of rich data about software quality, and the ability to quickly derive actionable insights.

SeaLights Software Quality Governance gathers millions of data points about software changes, change complexity, testing activity, and quality trends across builds and releases, including live production insights. SeaLights analyzes the data in real-time using AI/ML techniques.

This allows organizations to monitor testing and other risk mitigation activity, evaluate them using standardized quality metrics, and match them to business requirements and quality governance policies.

Quality Risks Reporting.

SeaLights Software Quality Governance provides quality metrics at the level of individual development teams, entire software projects, departments or divisions, and the entire enterprise.

From the outset of a development project, teams can orient themselves to the quality goals set by the organization using the following metrics:

Metrics for development teams
SeaLights provides a complete history of the Quality Risk of each software change, enabling teams to continuously improve.

Metrics for testing and DevOps teams
SeaLights provides true test coverage across all testing levels, test quality measures, and frequency of test cycles.

Metrics for operations and SRE teams
SeaLights provides accurate measures of technical debt in production systems, enabling prediction of future quality risks.

Quality Risks Reporting.

SeaLights Software Quality Governance provides quality metrics at the level of individual development teams, entire software projects, departments or divisions, and the entire enterprise.

From the outset of a development project, teams can orient themselves to the quality goals set by the organization using the following metrics:

Metrics for development teams
SeaLights provides a complete history of the Quality Risk of each software change, enabling teams to continuously improve.

Metrics for testing and DevOps teams
SeaLights provides true test coverage across all testing levels, test quality measures, and frequency of test cycles.

Metrics for operations and SRE teams
SeaLights provides accurate measures of technical debt in production systems, enabling prediction of future quality risks.

Let’s Talk

Learn how SeaLights automatically communicates every Quality Risk across the entire delivery pipeline, in context to every stakeholder and every control point.